S K I I N X - How it started

We started SKIINX in 2020 and only had the guts to launch it in 2024 - that's the truth we let our fears of not being enough getting in the way of launching. Like many people when 2020 hit a person realised that they had being banking on the world and not themselves. We realised that life was too short to not go after our dreams and living while serving others. We both struggled with our skin for years and had tried all sorts of harsh acne treatments to get rid of it which might have worked for a bit, but it wasn't long after until we hit a brick wall again. We then saw the surge in girls coming up with their own skin care brand in the comfort of their home, and we couldn't help but ask, why can't we? We then started cooking up stuff in our mothers' kitchens and came up with a range of products to help with face care but failed to launch because we got comfortable again after the dreaded two years passed, we kept picking up and then dropping it off for two years. Kristan then fell pregnant in 2022 and we were more motivated that ever to get things going again, we bought new product, changed our name (SKIINX wasn't the first) and rebranding as we didn't think the first name worked for us, but things got put on hold again. 2024 we saw how far people have come that started in 2020 and us? only few steps forward and nothing to show. We decided that it was time to stop the excuses and go for what we believed in and take the necessary steps to serve others through our products. So, here we are - READY - SET - SOUL!💛

Xenia Buntting / Xee

Co-founder of SKIINX
Why did you start SKIINX? - I use to struggle with acne in the past and conventional skincare products weren't effective in treating the scars left behind from the acne. I wanted to create a products that were organic, easy on sensitive skin and still effective. What has been the most challenging thing for you thus far? - I think sharing the product with others. What goals do you have for SKIINX? - Educating the others on skincare and sharing useful tips. I would like for us to building a loyal customer base by delivering high quality products and excellent customer service. Do you have any favorite quotes that you live by? "If you do not go after what you want you will never have it. If you do not ask the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward you will always be in the same place" What lead you to where you are now? Passion and Purpose - Pursing something that I love and finding meaning in my work has driven my motivation and Fulfillment and is what keeps me going every day

Kristan McAllister / Kris

Co-founder of SKIINX
Why did you start SKIINX? I always had a thing for self- care especially when it came to shower gels, lotions , smelling good - my mothered hated taking me to the shops with her cause she thought I just bought unnecessary things. But just after high school I suffered terribly with acne, in the hopes of finding a solution I started dabbling with essential oils and found a few things that started to help me and in 2020 we had the great idea to start a skincare line. What has been the most challenging thing for you thus far? I think starting and being committed to the journey irrespective of how you feel or your fears. What goals do you have for SKIINX? To serve as many people as we can in finding solutions to their skin issues or just taking their skin to the next level as naturally as possible. Do you have any favorite quotes that you live by? Handle your scandal. It means that whatever you going through in life, handle it . Don't blame anyone for where you are, cause the only one that has power in your life is you. What lead you to where you are now? My decisions both good and bad .


The girls.
How did you find each other? - We are cousins born a day part so yes, we the same age. How do you navigate making business decisions and having a personal relationship? - We good at keeping things separate, and only discussing personal things after. I think we good at understanding each others thinking and knowing each others strengths and roles , not taking offense to each others idea's and rather trying to understand their perspective. Where do you see yourselves in the next year? - We see ourselves as making a difference in the industry when it comes to more natural skincare solutions. Serving a greater audience than we have now. Who does what in the business? - Xee deals with the finances and rational decision making and Kris with the business side and creative thinking. How do you plan on growing SKIINX together? - By being transparent and serving the people within our niche because we know we not for everybody.